Make Upcoming Year a MAGICAL

Real Estate Consultancy Business still tops the chart as a high income potential business opportunity as we have all witnessed inspite of the rough pandemic situations. There is hardly any investment and certainly no risk of overheads like other businesses. If you are well connected within your network and have the right ecosystem in doing this business; there is no looking back.

However, the trick is to stick to the fundamentals of breaking the year plan to each day and each hour of it. Sometimes, it is the basics of the business that we leave behind which got us to success so far but now on a stand still. Make sure you run by these basic 5 fundamentals to create upcoming year a magical for your real estate business. Check out these 5 pointers every single day if you want your business to never leave you dry.

Knowing the market

Are you updated with the latest news, trends, policies and projects around your city? Are you connected well in the market you are in? It is important to review new listings of other agents, new sales, closings, price trends and more to keep yourself on the edge and be in the momentum. With this, your confidence will stay boosted and you will be able to engage with your clients with more value on the table.

Follow up daily

What system are you using to follow up with your clients who wanted you to follow up after three days or three months? Are you turning back with the information they wanted when you want to or when they want you to? Don’t let a day end where you haven’t followed up with everyone you needed to follow up with. If you’re letting your follow-up calls slide, there is no doubt you are not working up to your highest level. To make it worst, you’re showing your clients that you’re undependable.

Marketing plan

Is your marketing plan ready which shows a daily, weekly and monthly tracker? Are the lead generation activities and budget lined up of whats working for you and what is not as per the last year? Perfectly planned tracker will help you keep doing the mundane activities which eventually defines your bottom line of the year! In between the year, you will not get time to go back and put down a marketing plan. It is better to stay up the game, connect with people and stay on the top of their mind with different lead generating and engaging activities. Remember, the plan is to do it consistently.

Work Schedule

Your income at the end of the year is directly proportionate to the meetings you do. face to face or on the call, if you are in connection with your clients and talking about selling homes or offices, thats where the money is. The check list of each day of year can have a task list of 20 calls, 3 meetings and so on as per your goal. If your days are any different than this, you are already on a lost year ahead.

Shaping up with new

With every adding year, your mind needs rejuvenation with more ideas, knowledge and purpose. Try dedicating half hour every day reading and educating yourself which may be adjacent to real estate to be a well-rounded expert in the industry. This will spice up the conversations with your investors who may be looking up for portfolio management, pre-leased, or even the legality of the transaction process. Investmnet is all about growth; why not start by investing in ourselves?

Are you ready to imbibe and commit to all five disciplines from the first day of the year? Do you have big plans to see a new income figure for upcoming year? Make it new, Make it worthwhile! Let the new year be a celebration every day!