Doing business with referrals, four easy ways to do it

Getting referrals directly requires immense effort and is quite a difficult task. We get to know with experience that at an average every person who has completed about 5 to 7 years in one specific home is on a lookout to buy new ones and sell their respective homes.

But the problem arises on the amount of choices they have. Why will they refer to you directly instead of other brokers in the city who might be more experienced in the field? Here are some tips that one can use while dealing with clients to stand out from the crowd.

1. From the seller

After you receive a new listing, thank the sellers and tell them that you are looking out for two things while working with them. The first one is to sell their property as soon as possible with the best and highest possible price. And secondly, to get atleast two names of their near and dear ones or anyone from their community circle who would want to sell or buy real estate; if they like your customer service and working style.

2. From the buyer

After you sell a home or have found a good home for a buyer, you can convey your best wishes and make sure that they shift without any hassles. Share with them your personalized business pattern of working and make them feel comfortable with the deal. After they are satisfied, get some referrals from their close friends and relatives. Ask them if somebody needs good properties, you can help them out.

3. Keep floating two ideas and clients at the same time

While the transaction of your clients is in progress, you can contact your client by sharing them details of their transaction and assuring them that you will take care of everything to prevent any hassles. As you start finalizing the deal, you can in the meantime converse about real estate and smartly ask the clients if they know someone who are stuck up with the transaction process. Thank them for referrals if any, and learn about the trends within their community and family too.

4. From a relative or friend

Always be ready to introduce yourself as a consultant in the real estate business whenever you meet a relative or an old acquaintance and share your card immediately. Share your details and tell him the benefit of investment in the present times. By actually sharing the benefits, you can ask your friend about someone who is in dire need of this personalized service at affordable costs. If they have a few on such a list who are interested, give your visiting cards for sharing.

So to make a profitable network you need some tricks and treats and referrals are the smartest way to make a deal out of your contacts.