Strategies to boost self-control and discipline

Many people speculate that skill, people skills, or charisma are the main drivers of success specially in an industry like real estate, but the truth is that it's your energy that matters. More specifically, activation energy, which is the smallest amount of energy that is needed to trigger a complete transformation at the cellular level. When discipline and motivation converge, activation energy is generated. We will explain how to create it in six easy steps. Let's get started to fuel up this dose and make it a part of your real estate career:

1. Importance of Setting Meaningful Goals for Success

To achieve success, it's essential to have big and exciting goals that motivate you with your real estate business. However, it's also crucial to be honest about the reasons behind your goals. You should aim for objectives that make you happy, instead of shallow ones that may not drive you. It's crucial to identify the goals that bring a smile to your face.

2. The Power of Identity in Achieving Goals

Many people believe that they need to do something to have something and become a certain type of person. However, this approach can be flipped. Instead of focusing on doing, concentrate on your identity. Start by being the person you want to be, and doing the work will come naturally. To illustrate, instead of saying "I'm trying to be a successful agent," a more effective way to position oneself as the best real estate consultant in the area would be to confidently state "I am the top producing agent in the western part of Ahmedabad." Prioritizing being over doing and having helps you embody the qualities of the person you want to become.

3. Embrace Discomfort and Take Control

To gain control of your life, focus on what you want instead of how you feel, even if it means embracing discomfort. Take action by getting up immediately in the morning and resisting the urge to hit the snooze button. Challenge your willpower by taking cold showers or using stairs instead of elevators. This entails making a conscious decision to engage in proactive measures such as cold calling, door-to-door marketing, investing in advertising, conducting site visits, participating in networking events, undergoing training, and actively generating leads instead of passively waiting for the phone to ring! Once you have control over your body and mind, control over other aspects of your life will follow easily.

4. Break Difficult Habits into Bite-Sized Pieces for Guaranteed Success

Changing habits can be challenging, as it requires consistent effort. Setting big goals may seem overwhelming, and we often end up skipping them. Breaking habits into small, manageable steps can help us get started and maintain momentum. As an alternative, rather than setting a goal of 12 transaction closures per year, one could focus on a daily goal of 3 meetings or a weekly goal of acquiring 15 new leads. Achieving these small goals encourages us to keep going and build momentum towards our larger goals. The key is to start with a tiny goal and then build up gradually.

5. Learn to Say "No" to Control Your Attention

To maintain focus, it's important to learn to say "no" to people and prioritize your time. Steve Jobs emphasized the importance of this concept, as allowing your attention to be pulled in multiple directions can leave you at the mercy of external situations. One effective way to manage your time is to set aside specific blocks for certain tasks or meetings, like a mentor who would schedule conversations for a specific time rather than allowing them to interrupt his work throughout the day.

Conclusion: By implementing these steps, a real estate consultant can gain greater control over their life, break down difficult habits into manageable parts, focus their attention on what's important, and use the power of the five-second rule to take action on their ideas. These habits can lead to increased productivity, better decision-making, and a greater sense of control over their business and personal life especially when being successful in the real estate industry is challenging and exhaustive. By prioritizing your own well-being, you can set an example for your colleagues, leading to a more positive and productive work environment.