Looking to close and convert more leads into success than before?

Closing and converting leads is an art in itself. It is important to assess the prospects first and then their requirements before proposing a solution to their problem. Once you get the hang of their persona, your pitch and poise can change in a trice.

Here are some important tips to close deals by converting more leads than before:

1. Call up clients before visit

Before dealing with any new client via call, email or text, it is always good to be prepared for the outcome. For that, you need to know about your client and their details at hand.

2. Build rapport

Before embarking on the professional part, build a rapport with your client. Know about their mindset, their work base, and even their language. It will be easier for you to correspond in the same way as your client does.

Try to communicate in a way, which your client prefers or likes. Sometimes your client does not like to convey their details or take decisions through call, they prefer to meet personally before taking any important step. Mode of communication can make or break the rapport as you may be following up through messages and your client may not be checking messages at all and instead prefers phone calls only or vice versa!

3. Qualify the requirements and then pitch a property

After you get the lead understand and qualify to know their requirements properly. You can embark on pitching the property and commence on offering benefits of the deal systematically with the options that suit them right.

4. Follow up on a timely basis

Always keep in mind that after first interaction, it is important to follow up with the client at regular intervals to know their interest until they reach out to you with a personal appointment. Follow up is the key, so don't miss on this.

5. Try solving trivial issues and then fix appointment

If your lead is not satisfied with you, try to solve their issues and keep a never- die attitude until you fix an appointment with them and make him your client. Understand objection handling is an art and objection could be just a need of little more information from you.

6. Assess interest and then proceed to the next step

Many clients are not keen on encouraging any business approach or follow-ups. For them, you need to be discreet in assessing their interest and then proceed to crack the deal if they are in the game.

It is important to adhere to the above strategies for optimum utilization of time, leads and effort for cracking deals in real estate. Be sure to stay in the right network and connected with the ecosystem youhave to offer it to your clients.

Wishing you all a strong fourth quarter and more success!