7 ways of defining a Good Floor Plan

Selecting a home is the most thrilling experience and yet a journey of making the right choices and decisions around its location, design, price and ROI. Out of all, determining a proper floor plan as per your lifestyle and budget is crucial. Let’s see the most essential elements to outline a good floor plan:

1. Size of the house

Check the necessity of the number of bedrooms you would be needing, number of bathrooms requirement and space for each room.

2. Size of the Room

Homebuyers generally do prefer a rectangular room more than a square room. Research says that a good lay out should have bedrooms atleast 10 ft in width and 12 ft in length.

3. Utilization of Space

How you utilize the space is the most important aspect in designing the layout. Whether you want a bigger living room or a family room; bigger dresser room or wash room should be well-thought of before-hand. All in all, try to increase the visibility of the overall look of the rooms and make it look spacious.

4. Kitchen

The location of the kitchen depends on your preference. Most families prefer kitchen to be close to the dining area and family room.

5. Visibility and Utility

While analysing the floor plans of the shortlisted homes, always remember to give priority to the largeness, lay-out and other important defined spaces like wash area and storage rather than the appliances detailed in the brochures

6. Furniture Space

The space for furniture should be adequate to avoid obstruction and congestion in the important spaces of the floor plan.

7. Professional guidance

Take help of a professional while selecting what’s best for you in terms of ROI, location, maintenance expense and so on. Eventually you want your investment to be profitable and rewarding.

If the floor plan is designed well, the interiors and visual look of the house will look spacious. Penning down the layout as per your lifestyle is the most important task to avoid wastage of space and obstruction later.